There’s a big problem in League of Legends right now. Lots of players are upset because of a bug that breaks the game. When this bug happens, the game stops working. Players say everything in the game freezes. Champions won’t move, minions won’t fight, and towers won’t attack. The whole match freezes, and nobody can do anything. The game stays stuck, so players just have to wait or leave.
It’s happening to a lot of people. Some say their games freeze for more than 20 minutes! They try to use abilities or move characters, but nothing changes. They might do a little action every few seconds, but the game mostly stays frozen and slow.
What’s even worse? Players are getting punished for this bug, even if it’s not their fault. When they leave the game because it’s stuck, the system thinks they quit on purpose. Because of that, they get penalties for AFK (Away From Keyboard). Some lose points in ranked matches, while others get warnings or end up in leaver queues, where they must play extra games as punishment. This feels wrong to them since they didn’t choose to leave; the game forced it.
Many players are talking about it on social media. On Reddit, people post videos where their games freeze. Some are even joking about it, saying stuff like, “This is the strongest freeze in League history” or “Looks like we got a new time-stopping champion!” Sure, the jokes might be funny, but lots of people are still mad and want the bug gone fast.
One person said they were in an important match when everything froze. They tried waiting, hoping the game would get better, but it didn’t. Their team had to give up just to end the game. After that, the system gave them an AFK warning. Another player talked about an ARAM match where their team tried to keep going, but with everything frozen, it took forever, so they had to give up, too.
Game breaking bug where nobody in the game can play, game is esentialy frozen and lagging.
byu/Sudden-Penalty-2194 inleagueoflegends
A well-known content creator who’s good at finding bugs said this all started after the latest patch. Many reports are coming from players in EUNE (Europe Nordic & East), but there are also players from other places like EUW (Europe West) and NA (North America) who say they have the same bug.
Riot Games, the company behind League of Legends, knows about the problem and is trying to find out what’s causing it. One Riot employee posted online, saying they’re working really hard to figure out the bug and how to fix it. But they haven’t said how much longer players will have to wait, so people are still hoping for an update.
While Riot tries to solve it, some players are still joking around, making memes about how the game feels stuck in time. But deep down, many players just want the bug fixed so they can play again without freezing or getting in trouble.
Players are staying away from ranked games for now because they don’t want to lose points or get in trouble for leaving frozen matches. Some are waiting for the next patch, hoping things will improve soon. Everyone’s watching Riot for news, waiting to hear when the game will get fixed.
For now, League of Legends players are stuck dealing with a game that sometimes doesn’t work, and they really hope Riot sorts it out soon so they can have fun again.